Android Adb For Mac

  1. Android Adb For Mac Operating System
  2. Adb Download For Windows 10
  3. Android Adb For Mac Ios
  4. Android Adb For Mac Os
  5. Android Adb For Mac
  6. Android Adb For Mac Shortcut

Android Debug Bridge (adb) is a versatile command-line tool that lets you communicate with a device. The adb command facilitates a variety of device actions, such as installing and debugging apps, and it provides access to a Unix shell that you can use to run a variety of commands on a device. Download Android SDK Platform Tools (ADB & Fastboot) Mac users: Setup ADB on Mac (using Homebrew) USB Cable: Preferably, the one provided by the manufacturer. Optional: Download & Install Android USB Driver on your computer. ADB Commands list. Here we are again with a nice How-to Guide for the Android Lovers.This post is about the ADB and fastboot drivers and how to Install ADB on Windows, MAC, and Linux. ADB, Android Debug Bridge, is a command-line utility which helps you to run the ADB and fastboot commands on your android devices. I had issues finding a good solid tutorial on how to setup ADB for Mac. How can I add ADB to macOS in such a way that it can be used in the terminal? For those reading this post. Yes, as the edited response says. I was at the time looking for a tutorial with all steps as a beginner level guide.

To setup Android Debug Bridge on you Mac, you have to know the ADB properly. There are some reasons to setup the ADB on your Mac.

What is ADB?

ADB defines Android Debug Bridge. It is a versatile tool that helps you to manage the state of Android powered device. It is two different applications. One application for your pone and another is for your Mac or Linux. After connecting your phone with the Mac, you can command and communicate with the phone by using your Mac. It will appear on your screen and keyboard.

During the command and communication things can be run directly when it use some terminal emulator. It seems difficult to execute the complex commands. It's a bridge between your Mac and your machine.

The ADB is used for Android development. It has three components: A server, a daemon and a client. Mostly it is used on actual Android device to manage either emulator. ADB is the Android development machine that is the basic requirement of the development. The client component of the ADB runs through the development machine. Also The ADB daemon runs as background process in the device itself.

Why do you want to setup ADB?

ADB is wonder tool for the Android users. It is Terminal based interface to interact with the Android phone system. We setup the ADB for following reasons.

Android Adb For Mac Operating System

  • The first and foremost criteria to setup the ADB is to facilitate interaction between both AVB emulators, develop system and physical Android device. It is for the purpose of debugging and running applications.
  • By the ADB command line tools various tasks may be performed. ADB components are used for the Android development through your Mac.
  • It consists of a daemon background process running AVDs, server process running in the background and physical Android device such as tablets and phones.

How to setup Android ADB on Mac.

Let's have a look to see the procedure of installing the full process of setting ADB on Mac. Follow the instructions with screen shoots.

Step 1: Installing the Android SDK

Before starting the download, create a new directory that you can easily find on your make. Always check the available latest versions before installing the Android SDK. For your Mac you will get the SDK package as zip format. Download the zip package and extracted the package. You will see the folder like android-sdk-macosx. Enter and navigate the folder: sdk-macosx/tools/.

To execute the SDK manager, jus double click on the on the 'android'. Stay everything un-ticked.

Step 2: Downloading the SDK Platform Tools

Now you have to download and install the SDK Platform Tools. Firstly select the SDK Platform-tools and install it. Then next window will appear, accept the license regulation and Install the tools. After completing the installation, close the window. This way SDK manager downloads the SDK Platform tools successfully. It is necessary for ADB. Define the path where ADB is located.

Open the directory android that you made it in the first step. Click on the /sdk/platform-tools and copy the adb file. In the root of the original android directory, paste the adb. Almost you are done. You need to check the process.

After the setting you have to connect your android device with your Mac. Before that you have to enable the Android Debugging on your device. Through the Developer options it will be done . It is hidden setting. When you press Build number 7 times during Settings > About Phone on your device, it will be activated.

  • Open the Terminal and type cd in the path of original android directory that you made in the first step.
  • cd ~/Desktop/android
  • click Return
  • Again Type ./adb devices & press Return
  • Check your Android device, there might ask you to Allow USB Debugging from your Mac. If there any messages like that, just allow.
  • You will see that your device is enlisted as an attached device.
  • You may need to type. /adb devices again. Then you will see that you device is an authorized device.

There will appear a message in Terminal saying
* daemon not running starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *.

Adb Download For Windows 10

Don't worry; just continue the following process in the setup.

If you did the following steps then it everything went as expected. ADB is installed and function also ready to start. Using the Terminal you can add a path and you don't need to add./ and cd in the android directory to every command.

  • Open terminal
  • Write nano ~/.bash_profile
  • Click Return.

There should be a terminal window that is like the one above. Into the terminal window, copy the export PATH command just below your Terminal window exchanging /Users/ /Desktop/android with the right path to the original android directory that you have created in the first step.

export PATH=${PATH}:/Users/ /Desktop/android

  • Click on Return
  • Click on CTRL+X
  • Click on Y to confirm
  • Click on Return
  • Close Terminal

Now you have to confirm about the installation. Type adb devices into the Terminal and you will see you device enlisted under attached devices without having to change directories. Before trying to the last step of adb devices, don't forget to add close terminal. It may create problem to setup. Now you have completed the total procedure of the ADB setup. If you face problem, just try again it on you Mac OS.

How to Use ADB

Setting should be done though above the procedure. Whatever you like to your phone you can simply use ADB to manipulate your phone. Check the command of your ADB on your Android device. Press 'adb device' and hit enter. You may see the serial number on the screen. If you failed to installed the ADB or failed to use the ADB. Just go through the instructions again. It is the right way to setup the Android Debug Bridge on your Mac.

This guide will help you to easily install the ADB and fastboot on a Mac. It is actually a quite simple method and also you don’t need to worry about drivers like in Windows. So, let’s begin.

DISCLAIMER :Best Android Blog would not be held responsible/liable for any damages that takes place to your device while following these procedure. So, do everything at your own risk.

Android adb for mac


  • First, make a folder named “android” (without quotes) and place it anywhere in your hard drive. But we prefer Desktop.
  • Next download the Android SDK from here. (You could skip this step instead of downloading whole android sdk you can simply download the adb and fastboot files alone from here.
  • So, once you download the above mentioned file then unzip it and put the contents of the files into the android folder.
  • Once you have done, open the android folder. Go into the tools folder inside of it. Double click on the file called “android” (possibly called android sdk) This file is a UNIX executable and will open within a Terminal window.
  • When it finishes opening, check the folder called tools. Make sure both “Android SDK Tools” and “Android SDK Platform-tools” are selected within the tools folder. Click install and wait for them to download.
  • When they finish downloading, go into the platform tools folder inside your android folder, then copy adb and fastboot and paste them into the root of your android folder.
  • That’s it you have now installed the adb and fastboot in your device. If you want to test whether it works fine in your device then follow the procedure given below.
  • Plug your android device. Make sure android debugging is enabled in Settings.
  • Go into Settings > Apps > Developer and check it there (for Gingerbread 2.3 and lower) or go into Settings > Developer Options and check it there for Ice Cream Sandwich or Jellybean. As of now, there are two ways to access adb and fastboot.
  • Open a terminal window (look in Applications > Utilities if you can’t find it). Type “cd” followed by the path you saved your android folder.
  • For example if you saved your android folder in desktop then type like this:

cd /Users/<yourusername>/Desktop/android

  • Now, you need to actually execute an adb or fastboot command. To do this, you’ll need to type “./adb (or fastboot) “. For this tutorial, we will use “ADB devices” since it doesn’t actually do anything to the phone. (we won’t use fastboot since it requires rebooting to the boot loader which is different for every device)
  • In the same terminal window as before type the following:

Android Adb For Mac Ios

./adb devices

  • Then hit enter. It should turn up your device’s serial number. If it does, proceed to the next step, if not recheck your steps. (If it says * daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 * * daemon started successfully * that is perfectly normal).

Android Adb For Mac Os

  • Now, at this moment, ADB and Fastboot are both completely useable. However, it’s very annoying to have to CD into the directory and use ./ in front of every terminal command. I’ll show you how to add it to your path so you don’t have to do any of that.
Android Adb For Mac
  • Open a new Terminal window and type:

nano ~/.bash_profile

Android Adb For Mac

  • It will open a window and it will have export PATH=${PATH}:/Users//Desktop/android.
  • Once you have added that, press control + X to exit, then Y to confirm the save then press enter. It will close the nano editor. You can close the Terminal window now.
  • Now you need to verify that it works. Open a new Terminal window and type adb devices

If it shows the serial number, then you have set it up successfully and are good to go!!!!!

Incoming search terms:

Android Adb For Mac Shortcut

  • fastboot mac